
You are one touch away from exploring various aspects of workflow overall or for specific branches.

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Better communication with your clients either patients or referring doctors or entities or others laboratories.

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Scale up

Scale up your branches, devices, inbound labs or contracts with equally easy accessibility.

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What you can achieve


Centralized administration

- Yaseer LIS is shipped with highly informative admin tools regarding the workflow, the cash flow and various critical condtions.
- These tools can target the overall status or a detailed aspect addressing nearly every detail that is important in the overall laboratory workflow or down to a specific branch, user or process.
- Seamless integration with an ERP system.

What you can achieve


Better communication

- Better communication with the clients via social media bots offering unique services like automatic result delivery and various promotions.
- Better communication with the outbound lab-to-lab clients with intuitive result delivery application.
- Better communication with the referring doctors and entities via an echosystem of applications and social media tools.

What you can achieve


Easy scaling up

- Easy 'Hot Plugging' of new branches, users or host interfaces.
- Adding a new Lab-to-lab agent or a new contract is as easy as adding a new visit
- The newly assigned price plans are immediately available over the remote branches.
- The LIS core application is modular in such a way that the end users will not experience any down-time with the addition of new features or services.